Let's see,, Rumah Seharga $250 Million !!
Sebuah rumah di America dikabarkan dijual dengan harga yang sangat fantastis. Pemilik rumah tersebut ingin menjual rumah tersebut seharga $ 250 million dollar !!!....
Mengenal Playstations Dari Jaman Jadul Dulu
Bagi anda para penggemar game konsol mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi dengan yang nama nya playstation. Playstation adalah nama sebuah produk konsol game besutan sony yang mulai beraksi sejak tanggal 3 Desember 1994 di Jepang, 9 September 1995 di Amerika dan 28 September 1995 mulai beraksi di Eropa....
Motor unik
Mungkin ada diantara anda sekalian ingin memodifikasi motornya dengan bentuk unik dan menarik tapi masih belum terpikirkan ide yang akan di tuangkan kedalam konsep untuk motor anda. Berikut ini saya mencoba memberikan beberapa inspirasi yang mungkin bisa digunakan untuk memodifikasi motor anda...
Some Amazing Mega Structures of the World
This fantastic and beautiful international airport is situated close to Funchal, Madeira and has many names as Funchal Airport and Santa Catarina Airport. This airport is standing on pillars as it has runway which is 2781 meters long and about 1000 meters of runway is supported by huge 180 pillars. Each pillar is 70 meters tall....
Thursday, 21 July 2011
LED Infrared
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Motor DC Brushes atau Sikat
Monday, 6 June 2011
Hot hulls might mean slipperier ships
Apple's iCloud enables automatic, wireless syncing between devices
PWM : Pulse Width Modulation
Saturday, 12 February 2011
M55 The Beast cycle
USB Thunder Missile Launcher
Thursday, 10 February 2011
World’s largest container ship
Tractor of the Future
Astronomers Suggest Crowdsourcing Letters to Aliens
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Some Amazing Mega Structures of the World
Nasa's plans five more missions on moon
The featured stationary paper by Jung Von Matt !!!
Featuring zombies on every piece, any interactions with these papers will lead to the beheading or puncturing of these undead characters. Perfect for a Halloween greeting, these stationary pieces by Jung Von Matt will keep you on your toes. Check out the featured gallery to see these interesting yet gory pieces for yourselves.
Wednesday, 2 February 2011
Top 10 Profesional DLSR Camera
10. Canon EOS 50D
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